home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //**************************************************************************
- //*** will setup all specified crates in the editor spawn items
- //*** syntax --------------------------------
- //*** item_crate
- //**************************************************************************
- item_crate:
- if ($item_crate == NULL)
- {
- println "^~^~^ No item crates in the level!!"
- goto item_crate_end
- }
- for (local.i = 1; local.i <= $item_crate.size ; local.i ++)
- {
- $item_crate[local.i] thread item_crate_spawn local.i
- }
- item_crate_end:
- end
- //**************************************************************************
- //*** thread to spawn the desired item per crate
- //*** syntax --------------------------------
- //*** <crate> item_crate_spawn <array index>
- //**************************************************************************
- item_crate_spawn local.index:
- //*** find out what should be spawned
- switch (local.self.item)
- {
- case "ammo_pistol":
- local.item = "items/item_pistol_ammobox"
- local.set_angle = "0 0 0"
- break
- case "ammo_rifle":
- local.item = "items/item_rifle_ammobox"
- local.set_angle = "0 0 0"
- break
- case "ammo_smg":
- local.item = "items/item_smg_ammobox"
- local.set_angle = "0 0 0"
- break
- case "ammo_mg":
- local.item = "items/item_mg_ammobox"
- local.set_angle = "0 0 0"
- break
- case "ammo_heavy":
- local.item = "items/item_heavy_ammobox"
- local.set_angle = "90 0 0"
- break
- case "ammo_grenade":
- local.item = "items/item_grenade_ammobox"
- local.set_angle = "0 0 0"
- break
- case "health_100":
- local.item = "items/item_100_healthbox"
- local.set_angle = "0 0 0"
- break
- case "health_50":
- local.item = "items/item_50_healthbox"
- local.set_angle = "0 0 0"
- break
- case "health_25":
- local.item = "items/item_25_healthbox"
- local.set_angle = "0 0 0"
- break
- default:
- local.item = NIL
- local.set_angle = NIL
- break
- }
- //*** check if an item is desired
- if (local.item != NIL )
- {
- //*** set temp variables
- local.spawn_origin = local.self.origin
- local.spawn_targetname = (local.self.targetname + "_item_" + local.index)
- //*** wait till the crate is destroyed
- local.self waittill death
- //*** spawn the item
- spawn local.item targetname local.spawn_targetname angles local.set_angle
- local.spawn_targetname = $(local.self.targetname + "_item_" + local.index)
- //*** reset the items origin
- local.spawn_targetname.angles = local.set_angle
- local.spawn_targetname.origin = local.spawn_origin
- }
- end
- //**************************************************************************
- //*** will setup all specified crates in the editor for explosive crates
- //*** syntax --------------------------------
- //*** explosive_crate
- //**************************************************************************
- explosive_crate:
- if ($explosive_crate == NULL)
- {
- println "^~^~^ No explosive crates in the level!!"
- goto explosive_crate_done
- }
- for (local.i = 1; local.i <= $explosive_crate.size ; local.i ++)
- {
- $explosive_crate[local.i] thread explosive_crate_spawn local.i
- }
- explosive_crate_done:
- end
- //**************************************************************************
- //*** thread for the explosive crate
- //*** syntax --------------------------------
- //*** <crate> explosive_crate_spawn <array index>
- //**************************************************************************
- explosive_crate_spawn local.index:
- //*** set temp variables
- local.spawn_origin = local.self.origin
- local.spawn_targetname = (local.self.targetname + "_explosive_" + local.index)
- if (local.self.dmg != NIL)
- {
- local.dmg = local.self.dmg
- }
- else
- {
- local.dmg = 250
- }
- if (local.self.radius != NIL)
- {
- local.radius = local.self.radius
- }
- else
- {
- local.radius = 256
- }
- //*** wait till the crate is destroyed
- local.self waittill death
- //*** spawn the item
- spawn "animate/fx_explosion_mine" targetname local.spawn_targetname angle "-1"
- local.spawn_targetname = $(local.self.targetname + "_explosive_" + local.index)
- //*** reset the items origin
- local.spawn_targetname.origin = local.spawn_origin
- local.spawn_targetname anim start
- //*** damage the player <origin> <damage> <radius> [consitent]
- radiusdamage local.spawn_targetname.origin local.dmg local.radius
- //*** get the distance to the player
- local.distance = vector_length (local.self.origin - $player.origin)
- local.check_distance = (local.radius * 1.5)
- local.outter_distance = (local.radius * 2.5)
- //*** shake his view
- if (local.distance <= local.check_distance) //*** inner distance check
- {
- if (local.dmg <= 150)
- {
- thread jitter_small
- }
- else
- {
- thread jitter_normal
- }
- }
- else if (local.distance <= local.outter_distance) //*** outter distance check
- {
- if (local.dmg <= 150)
- {
- thread jitter_tiny
- }
- else
- {
- thread jitter_small
- }
- }
- wait (randomint 3 + 4)
- //*** delete the effect out of the world now that it's done
- local.spawn_targetname remove
- end
- //******************************
- // jitter effect
- // jitter_normal
- //******************************
- jitter_normal:
- waitexec global/earthquake.scr .4 3 0 0
- waitexec global/earthquake.scr .5 1 0 0
- //waitexec global/earthquake.scr .5 1 0 0
- end
- //*********************************
- // jitter effect
- // jitter_small
- //*********************************
- jitter_small:
- waitexec global/earthquake.scr .3 1.5 0 0
- waitexec global/earthquake.scr .35 .75 0 0
- //waitexec global/earthquake.scr .5 1 0 0
- end
- //*********************************
- // jitter effect
- // jitter_tiny
- //*********************************
- jitter_tiny:
- waitexec global/earthquake.scr 1 .3 0 0
- //waitexec global/earthquake.scr .5 1 0 0
- end